Drive Up to 20 kms on Turnpikes Free of charge Each Day with Satellite Route

Centre revises National Highway rules: Free travel up to 20 km for satellite  system-equipped vehicles | Business News - The Indian Express

In a critical move pointed toward facilitating travel and decreasing blockage at cost squares, the Service of Street Transport and Thruways has presented another standard permitting vehicles outfitted with a Worldwide Route Satellite Framework (GNSS) to make a trip up to 20 kms everyday on roadways and turnpikes without causing any cost charges12. This drive is important for the revised Public Roadways Expense (Assurance of Rates and Assortment) Rules, 2024, and is supposed to change how costs are gathered in India.

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The Idea

The thought behind this drive is straightforward yet progressive. By incorporating satellite route with turnpike cost frameworks, drivers can now explore proficiently while profiting from an everyday recompense of 20 kms of complementary travel. This sets aside cash as well as improves travel courses, lessening travel time and fuel utilization.

How It Functions

Under the new framework, vehicles with a useful GNSS can venture out up to 20 kms toward every path each day without paying tolls1. Assuming that the distance voyaged surpasses 20 kms, cost expenses will be charged in view of the genuine distance covered past the free limit1. This distance-based ringing expects to guarantee that clients just compensation for the stretch they have gone on a public roadway, advancing decency and productivity.


Diminished Clog: By permitting GNSS-prepared vehicles to go through cost squares ceaselessly, the new framework is supposed to lessen blockage and holding up times at tollgates altogether.

Cost Investment funds: Everyday suburbanites and regular explorers can save money on cost costs, making travel more reasonable.

Natural Effect: Decreased sitting at cost courts can prompt lower emanations, adding to a greener climate.

Future Possibilities

This drive is only the start. As innovation keeps on developing, we can anticipate significantly further developed highlights and advantages. Future improvements might incorporate unique cost estimating in view of traffic conditions, mix with electric vehicle charging stations, and customized travel proposals.

Execution and Experimental runs Projects

The Service has chosen to at first carry out the GNSS-put together cost assortment framework with respect to choose public parkways as an experimental run program. This will be coordinated with the current FASTag framework, making a mixture model where both RFID-based and GNSS-based cost assortment frameworks work together. Pilot studies have previously been led on the Bengaluru-Mysore segment of NH-275 in Karnataka and the Panipat-Hisar part of NH-709 in Haryana.


The presentation of 20 kms of free turnpike travel each day with satellite route denotes a huge step towards more astute, more proficient, and practical driving. By utilizing innovation, this drive improves the driving experience as well as adds to a more manageable and more secure street organization. Thus, gear up, set your objective, and partake in the advantages of this imaginative program on your next venture!