Toyota’s Innova becomes the highest revenue generating product in India

Toyota Innova has always been a strong player in the MPV segment. As per reports, the Innova from Toyota reported a total turnover of $2.4 billion in 2016, thereby making it the highest revenue generating product for any automobile manufacturer

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JKBOSE Class 12 exams 2016: Results of Jammu (winter zone) declared

As many as 58,293 students appeared in the examinations out of which 84.61 per cent boys and 81.45 per cent girls cleared the examinations successfully. JKBOSE Class 12 results 2016 of Jammu (winter zone) declared RELATED STORIES APPSC AE Mains

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It is speculated that the the examination is likely to be held on May 7. NEET UG 2017 Official Notification: To be released soon at RELATED STORIES MPPSC State Services Prelims 2017: Admit card released, download now UPSEE 2017:

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APPSC AE Mains Exam: Admit cards to be out soon at

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) will release the admit cards soon on the official website, APPSC AE Mains Exam: Admit cards to be out soon at RELATED STORIES MPPSC State Services Prelims 2017: Admit card released, download

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Microsoft’s upgraded Beam game-streaming service goes live, taking on Twitch and YouTube

Microsoft’s Twitch competitor, Beam, has now pushed its “Pro” upgrade live to all users, featuring streams with up to 1440p resolution at 60Hz and integration with Xbox Live. Microsoft’s purchase of Beam last summer came as something of a surprise,

Read More Microsoft’s upgraded Beam game-streaming service goes live, taking on Twitch and YouTube

How does China respond to US chip threats? With a $30 billion factory

For China, actions speak louder than words, especially in the escalating chip battle with the U.S., which has been hurling out verbal threats in recent months. The Chinese chip infrastructure is getting a serious boost from Tsinghua Unigroup, which is

Read More How does China respond to US chip threats? With a $30 billion factory