Hindustan Motors sold the Ambassador brand to Peugeot for Rs 80 crore

The iconic Hindustan Motor Ambassador has been sold to the French manufacturer Peugeot for an agreed sum of Rs 80 crore. The C.K. Birla Group, who owns the Hindustan Motors, formalised the deal with the PSA Group for the sale

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IIT-Kharagpur to establish country’s first Quality and Reliability school

The aim for establishing the school is to improve the quality of life for the people of India as well as develop quality conscious global citizens, said Director, IIT-Kharagpur Prof P P Chakrabarti. The School will be truly interdisciplinary in

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IITs to come under Single Engineering Entrance Exam from 2018

The ministry has decided to conduct single engineering entrance test every year and it will be designed in a way that the linguistic diversity of the country is taken into consideration IITs to come under Single Engineering Entrance Exam RELATED

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JNU students block entry of teachers, officials in admin building

A nine-member delegation met the President and briefed him about various issues ranging from the issue of 100 per cent weightage given to viva-voce, intimidation and surveillance of faculty and students and the restrictions on freedoms of movement, assembly, speech

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How to join Microsoft’s Office Insider program on any platform

Microsoft is all about showing its work these days. You probably know Microsoft shares preview builds of Windows 10 leading up to major releases, such as the upcoming Creators Update. But did you know Microsoft offers an Insider program for

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Hands-on: EVGA’s sensor-laden iCX technology revolutionizes graphics card cooling

Graphics cards aren’t what they used to be—and that’s a good thing. Nvidia’s ferocious GeForce GTX 1080 blows the pants off its predecessor in sheer, overwhelming performance while actually drawing slightly less power, and generating only slightly more heat overall.

Read More Hands-on: EVGA’s sensor-laden iCX technology revolutionizes graphics card cooling