BMW is all set to introduce the Mini Clubman in India. The carmaker will launch the car in the Indian market on December 15, where they will announce the variant-wise prices as well. Here are some important facts and figures
In a bid to lessen student’s burden, the commission issued a directives to ensure no higher education institutes shall nag students for submission of their original documents such as mark sheets, school leaving certificates and other related documents during the
Used Cars Reviews & News All About AMT Cars Enter your location Ad Home News Nissan-Datsun organises free service campaign from December 9-17 Nissan-Datsun organises free service campaign from December 9-17 Dec 06 2016 by Ninad Ambre 1632 View(s) Be
The submission of application form was made offline owing to network difficulties the applicants faced particularly in rural areas last year. Bombay HC give four-week to the respondents RELATED STORIES Financial literacy camp to promote digital hamlet and cashless transaction:
We’re still a few weeks out from announcing our own Game(s) of the Year list, but 2016’s first Faux Video Game Oscars event happened last night: The Game Awards, the show that Geoff Keighley spun out of Spike’s old Video
Mercedes Benz India is going to launch the facelifted CLA tomorrow. The entry level sedan from German manufacturer is going to receive its first significant update since it was launched in 2015. The CLA facelift will only receive cosmetic updates,
AIs are giving us a kicking in board games and video games, but what else are they good for? An AI developed by Facebook researchers can rival humans when it comes to predicting whether wooden blocks will stay stacked —
CBSE Class 10 board exams are compulsory again from 2018 CBSE to reintroduce compulsory Class 10 board examination from 2018. CBSE Class 10 board exams are compulsory again from 2018 RELATED STORIES #ChildrensDay: President Pranab Mukherjee to give away award
The road transport and highway ministry in its efforts to make cars safer in India, wants the carmakers to offer seatbelt reminders, airbags, reverse sensors, speed warning system with beeps as standard in cars from October 2017. The new standard